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Short story sale to Gallery of Curiosities

Saturday 5 March 2016

Gallery of Curiosities - fiction podcast of "weird, curious, and horrible stories" - have bought my steampunky story A Ring, a Ring o’ Roses. I'm not sure if this is a reprint or not - the story was accepted a while back for Rampant Loon's London Calling anthology, although that hasn't appeared yet. So the reprint may well appear before the original. Curious.

In any case, woo! Gallery of Curiosity's guidelines are here if you're interested in submitting.


  1. I think this is just the kind of thing we should expect if writers will go messing with the timeline! You'll be writing a prequel next and then where (or when) will we all be?

  2. Heh. Or perhaps we're all moving backwards through time...


I'd love to know what you think.