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Write1Sub1 Launch Post

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Happy new year everyone!

This being the start of 2011 it's also the start of Write1Sub1, the scheme dreamt up by Milo Fowler, Stephen Ramey and myself to kick-start out short fiction writing efforts. The launch post is here. Inspired by Ray Bradbury, we're going to write a story and submit a story each week this year. Starting today! Kinda like NaNoWriMo for short story writers ...

As well as the weekly scheme there's also a monthly level for those that prefer the challenge of 12 stories in the year rather than 52. There are currently over 50 people signed up. As well as the blog you can follow the scheme on Twitter, Facebook and there's also an Absolute Write social group.

Should be a fun ride. Anyway, gotta go! Stories to write. Best of luck to everyone in 2011.


  1. That is a driving-challenge especially if you are writing and submitting a novel too; good luck.
    Happy New Year!
    Good luck with all your goals for 2011.

  2. Elaine,

    Happy new year to you too. Thanks for the follow. Yes, it's probably a bit crazy. But, hey, being sensible is vastly overrated in my opinion ...

  3. GOOD LUCK with these amazing challenges!! I'm cheering everyone participating and wish you all success!!!!

    Have fun!! Happy New Year Simon Kewin!! Take care

  4. Old Kitty,

    Thanks. Have a wonderful new year yourself, and thanks for everything in 2010.

  5. That's pretty ambitious! Good luck and happy new year!

  6. Words Crafter,

    A man's reach should exceed his grasp and all that! Thanks and I hope you have a wonderful 2011 too.


I'd love to know what you think.