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Engn Progress and Cover Sneak Peak

Saturday, 9 March 2013

So, I've been pretty busy of late redrafting Engn with the guidance of Henri, my fabulous editor at December House. Hard work but a lot of fun. Making structural changes to a 130K manuscript is a slightly scary prospect, but fortunately the changes haven't been too major. A few chapters rewritten, a few themes developed, a few inconsistencies straightened out.

Strange how a book I thought was finished turned out not to be, though. Who was it said a work of art is never finished, only left? But developing the book has been an immensely rewarding process. A good editor can see things in a text the author didn't or couldn't. The book is really improving with each draft. Soon, soon we should have the finished article...

Fellow December House author Neil Vogler recently posted this article about his experiences of working with an independent publisher. It's a great article and well worth the read. Folks, the old way of doing things is dead.

Meanwhile, December House recently came up with eight mock-ups for possible cover art for Engn. There were some lovely images there, but once of them leaped out at me. I immediately fell in love with it. The good news is this was the image the publisher preferred, too. Can't reveal anything much yet, buy they did tweet this sneak peek...

All to be revealed soon!


  1. oooh, looks clock-worky. Is it clock punk?

    1. Could be, Deborah. Or it could be hard to categorize. Certainly clocks figure large in it...

  2. Holy cow, that's a very sneaky peek! Can't wait to see the whole thing -- and read it. I'm thinking of taking a break from the frustrating agent search and sub one of my novels to some small presses. Couldn't hurt, right?

    1. All I can say is, it worked for me. Most agents don't even bother replying in my experience. I'm loving working with an indie press.

  3. Oh but! But I wanna see the rest of it. *pouts*

  4. I like the kind of Steampunk impression it gives, based on the gears. Love the colors, too!

  5. Clockwork cogs are always cool. And it is amazing how many times we 'finish' a novel. Sigh.

    1. Thanks for dropping by. Yes, even as we speak, Engn is "finished". Until it needs some more edits...


I'd love to know what you think.