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World Fantasy Convention 2013

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

So, the April A to Z blogging challenge is over. That was fun. I think... It all got a bit overwhelmed by the Hedge Witch news but I more or less kept up.

Meanwhile, I've signed up for World Fantasy Con in 2013 as it's going to be in England for the first time since 1997 (in Brighton, in fact). So that's exciting.

This will actually be my first convention and I really have little idea what to expect. I mean, will I have to dress up as an orc or an elf or something? Or if I do that will I be the only one?

Anyone else going?


  1. I only ever go to ST conventions. And yes of course one dresses up!! LOL! So dust down your bestest Klingon outfit and practice your "Khack mack duck!" speak to the best of your ability!

    Ahem! Take care

  2. Old Kitty - OK, if you say so, I believe you...

  3. That is quite exciting news. I may have to pester my Brighton-based friends into putting me up for a few days. You need only glance at my avatar to see that my attire is already sorted...

    You'll never stand out as an orc or elf, by the way. For you, sir, I suggest a Kappa costume!

  4. Lee - That's your avatar? I thought it was just a photo of you ;-) A kappa costume now - there's an idea...

  5. I'll have to attend one of these cons eventually -- just for the costumes. And well done on reaching your April Write1Sub1 goals!

  6. Wow, sounds fun! I've never been to a fantasy convention so I wouldn't know, but I bet it's loads of fun to see what people wear. My brother-in-law goes to the Comic Con every year, and there's always tons of interesting pics of people dressing up as characters.

    Congrats on finishing the A-Z, btw, and also with the publishing news. :) And thanks for visiting my blog several times during the challenge. You rock! :D

  7. I did my first con, this year-- Eastercon. It was okay. Some bits were great, but I felt a bit lost at times.
    That said, I probably will go to World Con, but I'll book my tickets a month before. So, we'll have to meet up for coffee.

  8. I went to a Harry Potter convention in 2005 and had an absolute blast. World Fantasy Con sounds totally like my sort of thing. Dressing up isn't compulsory or anything, although if you do dress up as an Orc, we want pictures!

  9. Milo - Thanks. Maybe I'll see you at one some day.

    Cherie - Thanks; it was fund dropping by yours. I'll be back!

    Deborah - Cool. I'll be the embarassed looking high-elf in the corner...

    Donna - Dressing up as an orc: just a regular weekend. Kidding.

  10. Oh I'd love to go there! Maybe next year...
    I thought I'd drop by to let you know that I'm giving you an award. You'll find it on my blog:)


  11. Thanks, nutschell, I appreciate it!

  12. I'm attending WFC 2013 and by that time it will be my second con as I'm also attending FantasyCon this year. Seriously freaking out about it and may end up spending most of my time on the beach eating candy floss. Even if it's raining.

  13. Cait - Yes, but have you been on the beach at Brighton? It's pebbley. You might need some sort of cushion. Me, I'll probably lurk in Choccywoccydoodah.

  14. I've been warned it's all pebbles.

  15. Cate - Indeed. But while you're in Brighton you can pick up a Choccywoccydoodah chocolate skull and eat that. You probably wouldn't notice a few pebbles then ...

  16. Alas--even though it's held on Halloween weekend, WFC is one of the few cons that really *doesn't* encourage costuming...but it's fun anyway! I hope to see you there. :-)

  17. Shannon - Fair enough. Formal attire it shall be! Hope to see you there.

  18. If you go as an elf I definitely expect to see some pictures of you dressed in tights :)


  19. Have fun! You'll have to let us know how it is and how you prepare. :)

  20. This year will be my 3rd year attending World Fantasy Convention. I'd love to go next year, and I might, it all depends on finances as a trip over the pond isn't cheap.

    If you have any questions about what to expect, drop me an email Simon. I can assure you there are no costumes at WFC. It's a professional convention.

  21. Thanks, Steph. I shall be restrained and professional!


I'd love to know what you think.