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Greetings Partygoers!

Friday, 3 September 2010

If you've dropped by from Karen's Labor Day BBQ Party or from Donna's Fantastical Fantasy Blog Party, hi! If you haven't, hi anyway! Do go on over and mingle on those fine blogs.

It's been quite an exciting week here at Spellmaking Towers, with three of my stories being published in the space of two days - one at Spilling Ink Review, one at Electric Spec and one at Every Day Fiction. So I'm definitely in the mood for partying. Mind you, the EDF one was fairly scary with its stream of reader comments. I don't know, who'd be a writer?

Anyway, while you're here, do have something to drink ...


  1. Nice to "meet" ya. (Here from Karen's.) I love poetry and mingled words of all kinds.

  2. Hi Angie,

    Thanks for dropping by - I'll be sure to check yours out too!

  3. LOl!! Me you know already!!
    Take care

  4. Old Kitty,
    Oh yes, you I know! Delighted you could stop by!

  5. I'll raise a glass to your successes this week! (It'll have to be a virtual glass as I need to get the car out later.) Can we have chocolate fudge cake too?

    Oh, and I followed the links to the other parties, so thank you!

  6. Hi,

    Nice to meet you, and congrats on publishing deals!

    I'm hosting a blogfest on Oct 2nd/3rd - it's another great way of meeting other writer bloggers and a fun way of doig it!


  7. fairyhedgehog,

    Chocolate fudge cake is always allowed!

  8. Francine,

    Hi and thanks. I'll be sure to check out the blogfest.

  9. waves...glad to meet you. Congrats on publications! I'll be looking forward to more from you :)

  10. Hi Simon. I came over from Karen's BBQ (great idea), and since I love a good drink I figured I'd visit your blog and become your newest follower.

    Nice to meet you!

    Today's guest blogger is Emilia Plater!

  11. I popped over from the BBQ and found another SF writer! Congrats on your articles and I'll def be back! :)

  12. Found you at KarenG's! Great blog! I'll be back!

  13. Wow! I am inspired by your success! Congratulations and I raise a toast of celebration with you! :) I have a long way to go, but seeing others like you succeeding gives me great hope! I look foward to reading your work. Enjoy the journey! Janelle

  14. I'm here from Karen's too. It's a pleasure to meet other writerly folks, electronic pen pal style.
    Have a great day!

  15. Nice to met ya! I came over from the BBQ too!!!

  16. That's one explosive bottle of champagne! Well done on a good week. And now I'm off to visit those blogs.

  17. Congratulations on the publications. That's awesome.

    I'm here from Karen's blog...nice to emeet you!

  18. Wow! What a week for you! Visiting from the BBQ and following!

  19. Wow! Aren't you lucky! That must be a thrill. Congrats! Yep, I've popped over from Karen G's. Nice to meet you! :o)

  20. Dear wonderful commentors and followers,

    Wow - so many of you. Thank you, thank you. I promise to reply and check out all your blogs as soon as I can!

  21. Simon, dropping by from Karen's. Isn't this fun?

  22. Hi! I hopped over from Karen's blog BBQ to say hello. It's so much fun making new blog friends. :-)

  23. Slurp! Aaah! Brrrp! Thanks for the drink pal.

    Saw you at the BBQ and thought I'd pay a visit. I'm now a follower. Stop by and visit me when you get a chance.

    Tossing It Out

  24. Hi Simon! *waves* nice to meet you.
    I love a BBQ with champagne!! I'll toast to your happy news. *clink*

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  25. So many parties going on right now - its exhausting!

    Cheers Simon!

  26. I think I will have a drink. Thank you.

    You have a great blog here. I'm now a follower over from Karen's BBQ

    Clarissa Draper from Listen To The Voices

  27. Another sci-fi writer. Sweet. Alrighty, going to browse your blog a bit more. Looks like fun.

  28. Hiya, I'm stopping over from Karen's blog.

    Congrats on your stories being published.

  29. Hi Simon! Nice to meet another science fiction writer. And a dude! So few of us in the blogging world.

  30. Hi. Just popping over from the BBQ. Congrats on your stories being published. That's awesome.

  31. Wow! Congratulations, first off and secondly, nice to meet you too! I was over at Karen's BBQ and am finding lots of like minded people...again. Glad to find you. :D

  32. Congrats on the publications! I came over here from Karen's blog for the champagne ;)

  33. Miaou? Oh yes, I do know you from those intelligent spell-prints in other places!

  34. Passing through from KarenG's BBQ. Can't wait to have a look around!

  35. Hi Simon,
    Congratulations on your accomplishments! Champagne is the perfect way to celebrate. I came over from Donna's blog and look forward to checking out the rest of your blog.

  36. Good news indeed! Definitely worth popping open some champagne. I dropped by from KarenG's party to say hello and get some bubbly! Congratulations on your stories!

  37. Definitely a reason to celebrate! Just stopping by from KarenG's blog for a glass of that bubbly! Congratulations on good news this week.

  38. Hi all,

    A thousand thanks once again! I'm away from my computer at the moment but will get back to you all ASAP, promise!

  39. Don't mind if I do... good to see you again! :)

  40. I'm working the crowd at Karen's barbeque and thought I'd stop in and say hi. You have a nice blog here, I will follow it from now on.

  41. Hi Simon,
    Happy Labor Day! I was just at Donna and Karen's party. I'm your 88th follower! Hope you drop by my neck of the woods in beautiful Montreal. I write short stories and I'm working on my own anthology. Writing is one of my passions. Have a wonderful long weekend!

  42. Hi Simon,

    I'm going to be honest - when you mentioned champagne...well I had to come over and visit! Am really enjoying Karens BBQ party!

    Congrats on your publishing deals too - brilliant.

    Happy writing!

    T ;)

  43. "Ello Simon, nice to meet you. I'm here from Karen's BBQ.

    Congratulations to you on all of your recent success! Very exciting. Thanks for the bubbly, and here's to you!

    The name of your blog alone intrigues me...


  44. 'Ello Simon! Nice to meet you, I'm here from KarenG's BBQ.

    Congratulations to you on your recent successes. And thanks for the bubbly - here's to you!

    Looking forward to learning more about these eclectic writings of yours. The name of your blog alone intrigues me...



  45. Hahaha I'm still laughing from arlee bird's comment, from one male blogger to another LOL (not me, you and him) And congrats Simon to your writing success. May it continue on and on and on!

  46. Stopped over from KarenG's BBQ blogfest. Congrats on the publishing deals. Thanks for the champagne. Cheers! :D

  47. Just popping over from Karen's BBQ to raise a glass & say Hi!

    Congrats on your great week & look forward to following many more successes.

  48. Yum veggie burgers!! With butter beans? Cause I think there the best ;p Nice to meet you!

  49. Hi Simon! I am so impressed by your success with that publishometer (not that the success is due to the publishometer of course). Congrats! And thanks for the glass of champagne. :)

  50. Hello - over here from Karen's to say hello and good morning from the Great SMoky Mountains of North Carolina!

  51. Hi Simon! Stopping by from Karen's BBQ as well. Congrats on your deals. Hope you are having a great weekend.

  52. Hi All,

    Just wanted to thank everyone who swung by during one of the recent parties, left a comment or followed. I'm tremendously grateful to all of you. I've been through everyone who left a comment now and, rather than replying to each of you, went off to visit your blog to comment and/or follow.

    Apologies if I've missed anyone out : I admit to being overwhelmed by the number of responses I've had!

    See you later in the blogosphere ...

  53. Hey Simon,
    I'm late to the party, but visiting anyway. Nice blog.


I'd love to know what you think.