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Flash Story Lucky Numbers published at Every Day Fiction

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Every Day Fiction has published a fantasy flash fiction piece of mine today : Lucky Numbers. This is my first acceptance from them after two previous stories were rejected. As ever, perseverance is the key!

They had some nice things to say about the story :

The dialogue flows very well in this piece. It is simple and condensed with an interesting plot and satisfying...though sad...ending. Nicely done.

An original take on the old devil-and-soul business. Very well done.

Which is cool. I've said before this is a tremendousbly impressive market. As a paying flash fiction magazine they must receive shedloads of submissions, yet they still provide editorial feedback, from more than one reviewer, even on a rejection. That's a pretty rare and precious thing. They clearly have good taste too :-)

For the record, Lucky Numbers was one of the pieces I wrote for Story a Day in May. I see from my records it was May 10th's story in fact (although obviously polished and prettified after the fact). So that just goes to show you. Not sure what it goes to show you, mind, but it does go to show you.

Oh and Ann - you were right about these things coming in threes!


  1. I really like this one. It's a clever twist on an old idea, and devilishly good.

  2. Nice going, Simon.

  3. I loved the story!!! LOL!!!! So 5 stars out of five!! I loved it! yay!!! Well done you!!! Yay!!!

    Take care

  4. Thanks Old Kitty - really glad you liked it.

  5. I told you! Congratulations on number three.

  6. Ann,

    Thanks! I'll believe everything you say from now on ...

  7. I agree: EDF is a pearl amongst swine in the editorial comments department. Just read "Lucky Numbers" and left you a comment. Three stories published in two days? Nice!

  8. Milo,

    Thanks for the comment on the story and, indeed, here on the blog. I shall definitely submit more to EDF, even if the stream of comments is a little unnerving!

  9. Oh that's harsh! But a very clever story.

    Elsa Neal
    Blood-Red Pencil


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