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A Couple of Flash Fiction Competitions

Sunday, 1 August 2010

I've come across a couple of flash fiction competitions that you might be interested in. I'll definitely be contributing to both.

The first is this one over at Spilling Ink Review. They're after 100 words or less, no entry fee and the chance to be included in their annual print anthology. Closing date is August 15th. This is the magazine that will be publishing my short story Seek Alternative Route in their Issue #2.

100 words too much? Try this competition over at the Arvon Foundation. They're after 6-word stories along the lines of Hemingway's famous :

'For sale: baby shoes. Never worn.'

Entry is again free, closing date September 1st and you've the chance to win an Arvon writing course week (which are all in the UK).

Good luck!


  1. Oh thank you for these links. I've quite drawn to the 6 words flash. Six words!!! I must channel the inner Hemingway in me! LOL!!

    Thanks again and good luck - your flash fic stories so far have been fab!!!!

    Take care

  2. Thanks, Simon. I wouldn't have found either of those without your help!

    Six words is a real challenge. I know I like short but-

  3. Thanks Simon. I won't even try the six word flash fiction though. I am Irish and I can't say anything is six words. I will have a go at the 100 word competition. Might with some difficulty make a go of that one.

  4. Ann,

    Best of luck. I'm Manx so there's something of the Irish in me too, I'm sure.


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