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The Blogging From A to Z April Challenge: U is for Umami

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

My posts in the The Blogging From A to Z April Challenge are all about interesting words. Words that are weird, intriguing, poetic or just plain cool ...

U is for Umami

WHen I was at school we were taught that the taste-buds on our tongues could discern four basic types of taste: sweet, sour, bitter and salt. Science now says there are in fact five basic tastes. The fifth is called umami. Umami means a taste that is savoury or meaty - specifically the taste of glutamates. The term was officially identified at the Umami International Symposium in Hawaii in 1985. I am not making this up.

Umami is a loan-word: the Japanese umami means something like pleasant savoury taste. All major languages have just borrowed the word unchanged.

Archaeopteryx Blunderbuss Chthonic Dreadnought Entropy Fulgurite Gargantua Humbucking Ichthyic Juggernaut Kappa Labyrinthine Megrim Numinous Ophidian Pandemonium Quark Ragnarök Shibboleth Thing Umami


  1. Another new word for me, but not one you can drop into conversation casually.

  2. Isn't this what Vic Reeves and Bob wotsists say in their show? "Umami!" LOL! Take care

  3. Rebecca - Fair point! I'm sure I have though. Hmm, that's a nice umami taste ...

    Old Kitty - LOL indeed. As you well know that was "uvavu", shouted if someone answers a question incorrectly in the Dove from Above round ...

  4. So, uh... They held the Umami International Symposium and that's where they identified the term?

    What was it named before they identified it -- The 'Term to Be Defined Later' International Symposium?


  5. Chris - LOL. Yes, either an amazing coincidence or they'd already decided, I guess.

  6. I don't know. I've had that Marmite stuff before and I did NOT care for it. Ugh.

  7. S.L. - I love the taste myself!

  8. So that's what the fifth taste is called!

    And sometime I'm going to try marmite. I'm curious to find out where I fall on the "love it or hate it" . . .

    The Golden Eagle
    The Eagle's Aerial Perspective

  9. Golden Eagle - You should. It's delicious I promise.

  10. I have seen that word somewhere before but I didn't know what it referred to. Good to know. Thanks!

  11. Oh, this is another one I should start using more!

  12. Sherri, Nicole - Delighted it was of interest!

  13. Hi Simon .. love Umami .. and I love marmite - am happy to be here .. Cheers Hilary


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