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Poetry Sale to Abyss & Apex

Monday 5 March 2012

I've had a couple of short stories appear in Abyss and Apex in the past: Museum Beetles way back in 2005 and Her Long Hair Shining just recently. The lovely news is they've just accepted one of my poems too. His Last Gift To Her will be appearing at some point in the future. Unless it turns out time travel is possible, in which case it may already have appeared in a previous issue ...

Abyss and Apex pay $5 per poem - perhaps not a vast amount in the great scheme of things, but since the poem in question is a 13 word haiku, that actually works out as (takes out calculator) 38.46c/word. And pro level is generally considered to be 5c/word, right?

Definitely a rate I could get used to ...


  1. Congratulations!

    Finally visiting your blog again has reminded me I don't yet have your ebooks on my kindle. Added to my 'to do' list. Ooo . . .and they're not on my blogging authors page either. Naughty!

  2. Thanks, Ellie. And I'm honoured to be on your to do list!

  3. Erm.. I'll take your mathematical word for it being as I couldn't get past Grade 3 CSE in Maths. LOL!!

    Oh but YAY for your poem!!! And a 13 word haiku one at that! IMPRESSIVE stuff! Take care

  4. Thanks, Old Kitty. I could, of course, have done the calculation in my head, but I used a calculator, just to be sure ...

  5. Congratulations, Simon! It's great to see all the pub credits you're accumulating (and deservedly so, I might add)!

  6. You're a regular at Abyss and Apex. That's very impressive.

  7. Chris and Deborah - many thanks.

  8. Congrats! That's way cool! $5 for a haiku is a lot. :)

  9. Cherie - I know! Obviously I do it for the beauty and art of it. But $5 is good, too.

  10. Riches indeed. When you add that to our quiz winnings, well...

  11. Well done, Simon! Abyss & Apex accept haiku? Duly noted, sir.

  12. Sue - we'll be in clover.

    Milo - they do! Looking forward to yours ...


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