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The Blogging From A to Z April Challenge

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Are you doing the Blogging From A-Z April Challenge this year? I came across it last year but didn't join in because it's clearly insane. Twenty-six alphabetically themed posts to write and publish throughout April. Then a whole galaxy of other participants' blogs to discover and read and follow.

Yep, clearly crazy. Except that by about the 3rd of April last year I was really regretting missing out. There's such a buzz about the whole thing. This year I'm definitely in and I'm thinking about posts already. I'm sure I'll fail to keep up with all the blogs taking part, but I aim to hit as many as I can ...

There's already a lot happening on the Blogging From A-Z April Challenge Blog. April may seem a long way away, but sign-up begins on January 30th in case you're interested. Hope to see you there ...


  1. If nothing else, it would be a challenge.

  2. I've decided to give it a try this year. If it works out, it does; if not, well, I tried. Good luck to you!

  3. Cate - Indeed. And it may end up as being nothing else ...

  4. Best of luck with it, Kittie. The key is to have fun with it, I guess.

  5. I signed up for it for the first time last year. I was very nervous about it. Posting everyday, trying to get around to as many blogs as possible...but it turned out to be fun. I look forward to seeing you on the rounds come April!!!

  6. Have fun!! I've not signed up but will be, like last year and the year before, dusting down my cheerleader outfit, pom-poms and practicing my routines to cheer you - and all those I follow who are also doing this - on!! Yay!

    Take care

  7. Glad you're on board this year! With almost 1300 participants last year, I understand why you felt left out. It seemed as if everyone was participating.

  8. I'm going to have a bash. I'm going to do an A-Z of inspiration under my Kelda name.

  9. Thanks, Old Kitty! Looking forward to seeing that routine of yours ...

    Looking forward to it, Alex.

    Best of luck, Deborah - looking forward to your posts.

  10. "Clearly insane" You are so right! But I'm in again because it's an insane celebration of blogging and I love blogging.

  11. It's the first time for me, too, and I'm excited about it! I'm busy working on a theme and hope to have a good chunk of the posts written ahead of time. (Yeah, we'll see how that goes.) :)

  12. Looking forward to reading your A-Z posts! :)

    I'm participating again this year. It definitely is blogging insanity, but it was a lot of fun!

  13. Karen - Excellent. I thought you'd be taking part!

    Madeline - I'm trying to do that too. We'll see how it goes!

    Golden Eagle - Great; looking forward to it.

  14. I don't know if I'll give it another go this year. Guess I could run the A to Z short fiction markets again...

  15. Milo: They were great posts. Just sayin!


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