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Write1Sub1 Week #52 Check-In

Saturday, 31 December 2011

Today is Write1Sub1 Weekly check-in day. I'm posting updates on my short fiction/poetry output here as well as over on the main Write1Sub1 blog.

Definitely the final Write1Sub1 post of 2011. The Bradbury is mine for following the scheme! Looking forward to Write1Sub1 in 2012 ...

Written :
  • Luminous Beings (haiku)
  • Dog Days (flash)
Submitted :
  • Luminous Beings (haiku)
  • Dog Days (flash)
Accepted :
  • Vapour Trails (Twitter) by 7x20
  • Heart Condition (Twitter) by 7x20
  • Lightning Rod (Twitter) by 7x20
Published :


  1. Good luck with your Haiku submissions, hope you can add to your achievements.
    Happy New Year.

  2. Looking forward to it, too. Although I still haven't decided what version I'm doing.

    I'm excited because quite a few of my buddies have picked up the challenge for 2012.

  3. Thanks, Elaine and a happy new year to you, too.

  4. Deborah - fantastic. It's an honour to be in such company.

  5. Well done, Simon. Did you ever think we'd make it? Of course you did. Onward and upward into 2012!

  6. Thanks, Milo. Had my doubts at times I must admit!

  7. Congratulations, Simon :)

    And best of luck for 2012!

  8. Congratulations, Simon. You've managed the unmanageable this year. Award well deserved. Let's make 2012 an even better year!

  9. Thanks, Steve! I aspire to emulating what you've achieved ...


I'd love to know what you think.