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Introducing Write1Sub1: A Story A Week in 2011 ...

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Funny how things work out, how one thing can lead to another ...

This post over at Milo James Fowler's in medias res blog started out about something else completely. Then, half way down the comments, the idea of emulating Ray Bradbury and writing/submitting a story a week cropped up. It suddenly seemed obvious that it had to be : a NaNoWriMo-style scheme, but lasting for a whole year. The challenge being to write a story and submit a story (perhaps the same story) each week for a year. 52 stories : short fiction, flash fiction or Twitter fiction.

Is it crazy? Is it genius? Is it even possible? Who knows? Only one way to find out. And so Write1Sub1 has been created. The official start date is 1/1/11 so this is just an early warning. If you're deep into NaNoWriMo it's probably the last thing you want to hear about. But if you want to find out more, or even sign up, there's the beginnings of a blog at explaining it all. It should be a lot of fun ...

Oh, and hopefully soon we'll have a proper logo you can add to your blog etc. Our first effort is above - if anyone is able to create a better one we'd love to use it!


  1. I think you'll be fab at this!! I know I can never produce a story a week - so GOOD LUCK to you mad writers signing up for this! Take care

  2. I don't think I'm up for this but I'll look on with interest!

  3. Can we do it? YES WE CAN!

  4. One for all and all for one a week!

  5. Milo and Stephen,

    OK, which one of us is Porthos?


I'd love to know what you think.