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Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist?

Sunday, 17 October 2010

I was in a big book shop yesterday. The pessimist in me said, "There are more great books written than I'll ever be able to read in my lifetime." The optimist in me said, "I'll never run out of great books to read."

I don't know, how do you see it?


  1. At that moment, you were both an O and a P. Maybe that is what we should strive to have -- a perspective from both ends. Maybe.

  2. Bruce! You're back! Fair point too. There is wisdom in your words.

  3. I have the opposite problem in bookshops at the moment, I go in and other than a small handful I see there is nothing I want to read at the moment. I even had an author pounce on me yesterday with books of his he was signing, he literally pounced, it was the most off putting approach ever, how to make a potential reader run a mile in the opposite direction.

  4. lacer,

    He literally pounced? I'd quite like to have seen that!

  5. Yep, pounced, it was like being assaulted by an elderly jaguar with a large pile of books I'd never heard of. He smelt of desperate author (and I did wonder if Waterstones knew he was actually in there) I felt a bit sorry for him really.

  6. lacer,

    Wow. Did you see what the book was? Book Marketing for Beginners?

  7. Optimist!! Always! I never ever want to run out of great books to read!


    Take care

  8. I agree, Simon. I've always been a pessimist who masquerades as an optimist, so I can easily see both sides of this proverbial coin. We will never run short of books to read! Perhaps we should invest in a good speed-reading course...

  9. Milo,

    When I was younger I'd have taken the pessimistic view more, I think. Now I would tend to go for the optimistic. There's a lot to be said for growing older!

  10. Wow, I've never had that conversation with myself, but now you've got me thinking.

  11. Alex,

    Please to hear it!


    Ah, probably just me then!

  12. I've thought this before, usually while standing before stacks of library shelves. It's overwhelming really.

  13. I don't know, depends on your follow thru. However, I think you're an optimist. I am. Thinking negative makes the brain get wrinkles!!


I'd love to know what you think.