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Summer's End

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Here in the UK, the leaves are turning brown and thinking about jumping. Brambles are thick with blackberries and swallows are gathering on the telephone wires like musical notes on a stave. Soon they'll be off to Africa leaving us to shiver through the winter.

Yes, it's always sad to see the end of summer. But on the plus side I can now get back to some serious writing. It all goes a bit awry in the summer, what with holidays and the children being home from school. Peace and solitude - what's that?!

But now there'll be more writing done. Bliss. I have lots of plans. Previously, for example, I set myself a target of 500 words per day, minimum. I think I'm going to aim for 1000 per day now. There are so many stories to write.

Can't wait ...


  1. I look forward to a huge jump in the publishometer then!

  2. fairyhedgehog,

    Heh, Hope so. Not sure how high it goes. I might have to recalibrate the scale ...

  3. I know the feeling! School starts back on Monday - I go back to work and the novel is waiting to keep me company as the nights close in.

    Oooh - look - you're nearly at 100 followers - so am I!!!

  4. Good luck, setting goals is one of the better things we can do for our writing. Good luck!

  5. Kate,

    Yes, our schools start tomorrow too. Good luck with the 100. I'd follow you twice if I could!

  6. so many stories, so little time...popping in from the BBQ and am following now. Nice to meet you *waves across the pond*!

  7. Yay! 100 Followers! Time for another party?

  8. fairyhedgehog,

    Yay indeed! Wow - I'm just amazed. But another party? I'm still exhausted from the last one!

  9. Hi Simon! I've come visiting by way of Karen Gowen's blog hop. I love autumn -- it's my favorite season of the year. Here in Georgia, USA, the dog days of summer are digging in their heels, but the mornings are noticeably chilly and the humidity is (ever so slightly) lower. Can't wait 'til fall gets here!

    Best of luck with the writing goals!

  10. No!! Summer's still here darn it!! I refuse to let go of my sandals and my floral floaty dresses!! Never!! Not yet! LOL!

    Oh ok - rain is predicted all week next week so ho hum!! :-)

    What a fab target to aim for daily - good luck!!! I'm so enjoying your stories - you are so prolific - I'm in total awe!

    Take care

  11. I had a problem writing in the summer as well. I am hoping to get more writing done now that summer is coming to an end, but in Florida, that may never happen. lol

  12. Your optimism, sir, is contagious! For me, summer marks the end of my prolific writing/submitting, as now I must contend with teaching and grading and crowd control; but I believe 500 words/day should prove manageable. Here's to a great autumnal season of writing...

  13. Nicole,

    Thanks! I know it can get pretty hot and humid down there in GA. And I do love the autumn myself, not just because I can get more writing done ...

  14. Old Kitty,

    That's the spirit! And of course it is still summer for three weeks yet so you'll still need the floaty dresses!

    Thanks for the encouragement - It's funny, but I don't think I'm prolific at all, not compared to some.

    Take care too.

  15. J. L.

    Well, I hope the writing works out for you now that fall is imminent.

  16. Milo,

    Ah, yes, I see what you mean about summer being a good time to write. Well, I can only wish you a productive and successful fall and hope you don't have to do too much crowd control!

  17. Summer,

    Agreed - that and sticking to them!

  18. Um. Is this a good time to mention I'm still hanging on at the end of Chapter 10?

  19. Good Luck on your writing journey!!! Your blog is very nice and I look forward to following you and see your progress on the word count!

    You are very right, so many things to write, sometimes you gotta speed the process up if it feels right!

  20. Jen,

    Yes, I know some days are easier than others but a target definitely focuses the mind!


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