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Update on my eStories

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Is eStories even a word? Probably not.

The two SF short stories I've ePublished via Amazon and Smashwords continue to do pleasingly well. Had a nice five star review on Live from the Continuing Explosion on the Smashwords site today :

I found this a moving story and couldn't stop reading until I'd finished it.

I'm sure reviews like this make a big difference. So far this story has had around 15 downloads from Smashwords and a couple of sales over at Amazon. It's a good start. The Armageddon Machine, meanwhile, has had about 75 downloads at Smashwords and well over 100 purchases for the Kindle, which is pleasing. It's currently at #44 in the Kindle SF short stories chart.

Obviously these downloads/sales are good in and of themselves. I think I see them mostly as "platform building" though. I've been careful to include links to my web site and this blog at the end of each story in the hope that readers will come looking for more ...

Meanwhile I'm thinking about releasing one of my currently unavailable fantasy novelettes in a similar way too. I'll keep you posted on how that goes ...


  1. I'm glad you're doing so well, Simon. I may try to follow your example when I have something written!

  2. Gosh your website's fab!! Brilliant!

    And good luck with your e-stories!! I like that word and well done you!

    Take care

  3. Thanks Old Kitty. Really glad you like the new look!


I'd love to know what you think.