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New Blog Template?

Thursday, 8 July 2010

I've been monkeying around with a new blog template, as this one is a bit dull. I've set up a shadow blog to test things out. What do you think? Too much colour/decoration? Not enough? Any opinions gratefully received because I've looked at about 500 different templates now and I can't think straight any more!


  1. I agree the original isn't attractive because of the 'bitty' nature of your content. I only found one template out of 95 that suited my purpose - the others create strange formats. Your new one is better because it creates definite separate areas, so it's easier to follow, but the font isn't very elegant. Can you change it? Sue

  2. Hi Anonymous Sue,

    Yes, I'm sure I can tweak the fonts. I do agree about the separate areas. I'll tweak some more and - if you're agreeable - get you to cast your expert eye over it?

  3. I like the new one. Looks good to me. Of course, what you really need is an illustrated banner *cof*


  4. I love the look of it! Go ahead, and if you change your mind later, it's easy to try another!

  5. I say THUMBS UP for your new blog!! The colours are lovely and I like how columns and things like that are well defined and boxed in!

    The background colour though is the best!

    Go for it!

    take care

  6. Thomas,

    An illustrated banner, hmm, now there's an idea. I'll think about that ...

  7. KarenG/Old Kitty,

    Thanks. You've all persuaded me. I just need to monkey around with all the enhancements I've made to the old template and then I'll go for it!

  8. Love the blood-red background. It's intense, but not so intense you want to look away. It's an original look. Go for it.

  9. Thanks Anne - I'll definitely give it a go and see how it looks once I've tweaked it.

  10. I like the new one because it's more distinctive but best of all it doesn't leave the main text sprawling across my rather wide screen. So I hope you'll go for it!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. fairyhedgehog,

    Thanks - definitely don't want it sprawling on your screen!

  13. I like the new layout a lot, Simon. My one area of complaint for some of the templates on blogs I follow is that they take so long to load, it disables the scrolling facility. Your new one doesn't do that, so I say, move it over!

  14. Donna,

    I'me moving everything across as we speak! Just got to edit some HTML and that ...

  15. I love it! So easy to read. Go for it!

  16. Thanks Ann. It's strange how much I suddenly hate the old template!


I'd love to know what you think.