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New Year Writing Resolutions

Sunday 3 January 2010

So, a Happy New Year to one and all - or at least to everyone who lives by the Gregorian Calendar ...

This, of course, is the time of year for resolutions. Perhaps it's the Celt in me but I rather like the idea of a period outside of time, between the old year and the new, when you can take stock, remember what has gone before and think about what is to come. Resolutions are, I'm sure, just one modern manifestation of an ancient need to mark the middle of winter, the darkest point in the year, the hoped-for return of the sun. Without getting all new-age on your ass, it does often feel like there is a pause around this time, a moment of stillness when the world is frozen (as it has been here in the UK) and nothing much moves. A good time to think.

So, anyway, one thing I've been thinking about is writing resolutions. I thought I'd do the clearly insane thing and post them for all to see. Some of these are things for me to achieve - proper SMART resolutions as discussed by Nicola Morgan. Some of these are just hopes and aspirations that are to some extent out of my control. But this what I hope and aim for in 2010 :

  • Find an agent for Hedge Witch, my first novel
  • Continue to write at least 500 words per writing day on average
  • Complete a draft of Engn, my second novel
  • Make at least 3 short story sales ...
  • ... including one that qualifies me for Associate SFWA membership
  • Reach 50 blog followers ...
  • ... and 200 Twitter followers
  • Read, I don't know, oodles of depressingly great books by other people. One a week sounds like a good start.

    That should be enough to keep me going! Achieving all of those would make for a truly wonderful year. If and when any one of them happens I'll be a happy man ...


    1. I think you read my thoughts on a lot of those, except for membership of the horror writers association. Here's to a great year!

    2. I just updated and activated my goodreads account because I need to read more great books, too. Reading really helps with the writing. Even when it's a not so good book, it seems to help because then I can say, What? I can write better than that! And it's encouraging! And the really good books I read are motivating.

    3. Tina,

      Well, let's hope we both succeed! The SFWA, by the way, is for SF rather than horror. I must admit I don't really get horror!


    4. Karen,

      Thanks for the comment. I've been getting emails from goodreads with your updates - it's something I really must investigate!

    5. Looks like your aspirations are similar to mine - find and agent and make a pro sale!!

      Here's hoping that we all achieve our targets this year!

    6. Kate,

      Yes, I suspect they are - I won't pretend I haven't read yours on your blog!

    7. Good luck, Simon. I'm too timid to post any resolutions on my blog, but I hope you achieve these fine ambitions in the coming year.

    8. How do you plan on getting 50 followers? I'd like to find more blogging writer friends as well, but I refuse to twitter!!

    9. Karen,

      Ah, there's the rub! I have no grand plan, unfortunately, other than the normal interaction with "the community" - other blogs, notice boards and, yes, Twitter.


    I'd love to know what you think.