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Save the DFC!

Monday, 23 March 2009

The DFC is a UK children's comic. And it's fantastic. It is full of imaginative, witty writing, marvellous artwork and, joy of joys, doesn't contain a single advertisement. It has sky-high production values. It is a breath of fresh air from all the over-commercialised, derivative pap that children see and read. It is responsible for getting a whole load of kids excited about reading. My own 9-year old reads it with the same avidity with which I used to approach 2000AD. In fact, I'm struggling to think of a more important literary publication produced in this country. Seriously. And the shock news is that it's closing down.

Unless the comic can be saved, the next issue will be the last. There's already a campaign to do something about this. Please have a look at it. There is talk of a subscriber buy-out which would be marvellous if it could be achieved. The DFC is simply too important to be lost.


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