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Hedge Witch Feedback

Sunday 1 March 2009

Had some pleasing feedback on Hedge Witch over on Authonomy today. Obviously I'm cherry-picking here but these are always good things to hear :

Your wonderful prose makes me think of Phillip Pullman. Your writing is tense and succinct, which adds to the drama. You have successfully created another world.


I absolutely love it! All the way through it I could picture everything perfectly in my mind. You've created such a wonderfully descriptive place that sounds beautiful yet the horrors you describe still come across perfectly as well. I can't wait to read more, and it's going on my shelf straight away!

I must make more of an effort with using Authonomy - as previously blogged, I don't really get what I'm supposed to do just now ...


  1. Looks like you've got quite a few good comments on that site.

    Is that the whole story on there? I didn't want to skip to chapter 24 to check!

  2. Hi,

    Yep, the whole book is there on the Authonomy web site.



I'd love to know what you think.