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Working on A, T, C & G ...

Monday 17 November 2008

I've been hacking away at A, T, C and G almost exclusively of late. It's looking like it's going to hit around 10, 000 words on first draft so should boil down to a nice 8K or so when it's polished. I'm hoping to get it ready for submission this year.

As happens quite often, my starting point was the central idea/conceit, and latterly I've been developing the characters that bring the world to life. I pretty much have the story worked out now so it's just a matter of getting it all down.

As I've been writing I've occasionally had the sense that the characters and the events were demanding more space for their story to be told more fully - i.e. to expand the piece up to novel length. So far, I'm resisting the temptation as I want to work on a completely different novel next. But it might be an option ...


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