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A Warlock's Perspective

Saturday 20 September 2008

Another pleasing review of Hedge Witch on YouWriteOn today, from someone who doesn't normally read fantasy :

Thank you - I enjoyed reading this extract. Normally these 'fantasy' stories don't usually interest me nor give me the sense of 'reality' that encourages me to read on - Hedge Witch is very different.

Your ability to paint a picture works for me; your vocabulary is wide and there were few grating phrases. I enjoyed your flow of words and events and the descriptions of a different world. Repetition was infrequent and the few 'mediaeval' words grated initially but then either you stopped using them or I stopped noticing them. Either way it not overdone and I thought it lent itself to creating that atmosphere.

Which is good to see. Too often on sites like YouWriteOn people who don't like a certain genre (or lack of genre) can't assess a piece on its own merits.


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