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Micro Poetry Published

Monday 20 February 2012

I've a couple of Twitter-length poems appearing over at unFold this week. The first one, Fireworks, is up now should you fancy a quick read. I wrote it last bonfire night, as you might have guessed from the name.

The second, Predators, will be appearing on Friday. This one is more epic in scale so is going to be split over two tweets ...


  1. I really liked Fireworks-- such a vivid, evocative scene! Beautiful. I look forward to reading Predators on Friday.

  2. Thanks, Anne, Michael and Unknown!

  3. I read, I went "awwwww", I said so in the comment box! Yay! take care

  4. Thanks, Old Kitty! Glad you liked it.

  5. Very nice, Simon. And an epic tweet-tale? You go too far!

  6. Congrats on all your publishings since I last visited over a year ago. We met during the first A-Z. I stopped writing for awhile but I'm baaaak! Are any your books on Kindle?


  7. Thanks, Golden Eagle!

    Milo: Well, relatively epic. It's no Iliad but it does span two tweets!

    Debra: Thanks! And yes, there are some short story collections available on the Kindle - links up there in the sidebar!

  8. Having read Spell Circles, I am a huge fan of your micro fiction, Simon.


I'd love to know what you think.