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Eccentric Orbits Now Available for Kindle

Monday 16 January 2012

The short story anthologization continues! The SF volume - Eccentric Orbits - is now out on the Kindle (or, as we're supposed to say these days, "on Kindle"). Amazon US Amazon UK.

As with Spell Circles I've signed it up for Amazon's KDP Select scheme too, which means, among other things, that I can make it free for a short time. It's free at the moment. Not sure yet if this is a sensible approach: my hope is that lots of people will grab it and some will then review and/or rate it and/or tell their friends and maybe word will get around. We shall see.

I am seeing the books being lent quite a bit under Amazon's Kindle lending scheme. This is when a purchaser temporarily lends a book to a friend because, presumably, they think they might like it. So I guess that's good.

If you're interested, Spell Circles has been downloaded over 1000 times since the start of the month and there have been a couple of nice reviews generated as a result. Now that the book is no longer free, downloads have obviously tailed off, but it is still selling.

I'll be doing various thing to help with the promotion, but don't worry, there won't be a ton of blog posts because, well, "buy my book" posts can get a little boring, no?

And I'm also learning a huge amount about how to format and layout books for the Kindle marketplace. Getting pretty slick at it now. I think this can only be useful knowledge for the future ...



    Well done you - the covers are stunning!!!

    Hope they do ever so well so I'd get to have them as print copies too. Ahem!

    Take care

  2. From what I hear, making the books free for a short time on kindle selectdoes have a positive effect on future sales. So I think you're on the right track, Simon.

    Have you blogged about how you did the covers. I really ought to do something like you.

  3. Thanks, Old Kitty. Yes, print copies - definitely something I want to do. Just a shame Amazon don't make that particularly easy.

  4. Deborah,

    Thanks - and now, I haven't blogged about that but I could and should. There are several posts I could do but that might be a good place to start.

  5. Hoorah! Share your secrets!

    That would be awfully kind.

  6. Heading over to Amazon for my review copy. =] And yes indeed, please share as much as you feel led to. Both of your anthologies look spectacular.

  7. Milo,

    Cool, thanks. I can always email one directly to Gizmo if you like ...

  8. Congratulations on the release!

    Great cover for it, too. :)

  9. Glad you like it, Golden Eagle!


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