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Write1Sub1 Reloaded for 2012

Monday 19 December 2011

As regular readers will be (painfully) aware I've been participating in (and co-organizing) Write1Sub1 this year: a commitment to write and submit a fresh story or poem each week of the year. It's been tough at times (holidays? Who needs them?) but I've managed to stick to it. In fact, counting up, I've come up with 192 pieces this year, ranging from haiku up to novelette-length fiction. A pretty good haul. At the lastest count, 91 of those have been accepted for publication in one market or another, a fair few in paying or even pro level magazines.

The scheme has been hugely successful for me and I'll certainly be sticking at it next year. The incentive to complete the course has been invaluable, but more important has been the sense of community with all the other writers struggling through all the same stuff I am. If you're a short story writer or a poet not already doing W1S1, why not drop by and take a look? Even if you don't want to commit, there are some wonderful interviews and inspirational posts.

I'm going to move from the weekly to the monthly level as I need to concentrate more on novel-length fiction next year, but otherwise it'll be the same deal. Twelve stories good enough for pro markets to want to publish. I can do that, can't I?


  1. Heh! What a score sheet. That's incredible, Simon.

    I can't think what to do next year. Shall I continue with my shorts, or venture into novellas? I did manage to get one complete and subbed this year. Oooh but I do love shorts.

    What were your reasons for turning to novels next year, Simon?

  2. Deborah,

    I love short stories too and I can't imagine not writing them - but it's just that I have all these ideas that clearly demand to be novel-length. Still, it's not an either/or. I'm sure someone as prolific as you could do both.

  3. Thanks, Simon. You're right it's not an either/or. Thanks!

  4. You've had a stellar year, Simon. Thanks for all your co-laboring on the admin side of W1S1, and here's to another great year ahead. I'll be dropping to the Monthly level as well -- for the same reasons you gave!


I'd love to know what you think.